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About Me

I'm Imani, the new certified lash technician in town. I started lashing so I can stop working harder to accomplish other people's goals and start working harder pursuing my own dreams. I'm not a girly girl myself, but the older I get the bigger the lashes. I also love to make women feel better about themselves. Whether it's clothes, mink lash strips, or lash extensions; I want to be the reason women in Madison County, Al feel beautiful. So in March 2018 I received my first Lash Technician Certification This was just step 1 for Aphrodite Beauty Bat. In May 2019, I received a double certificate for Volume Lashes and Bottom Lashes. Let's see what the future holds.

The name "Aphrodite" came from an ancient Greek goddess. She is associated with love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. She is physically attractive and has a formidable streak. I strongly support women empowerment and that (to me) screams it! They should be prideful and confident after each appointment at Aphrodite Beauty Bar and purchasing a pair of our mink strip lashes.

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